Order My Book(s)!
Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Yesterday, I pulled up to my Airbnd in Maine and saw the box nestled up against the door. I couldn’t wait to rip it open, feel the cover, flip the pages—hard-lived trauma rendered beautifully for others to learn from and take comfort in. Over the last few months, I’ve switched from worry about having these difficult poems in a more public arena to a slight thrill concerning their accomplishment and potential.
In the real world, this book is a small accomplishment and has minimal potential (realism, not pessimism). Poets a-plenty are spinning and publishing lyrics worth coveting by the hour. I have nothing to brag about. BUT this book also contains part of my life, pieces of myself. Horrors and everything those horrors cost me. To have those parts, pieces, and horrors crafted as art and available for others to learn from, or find comfort in, blesses me greatly. Maybe only 100 people buy this book; nonetheless, "Thank you. Sincerely thank you.

That said, you might be one of the one hundred. Maybe you want to get your hands on this difficult, painfully wrought poetry too? Ok! I've got you covered! And you've got a few options . . .
For one, did you know I already have a book out? Yep, that's right! It's called "White Goat Black Sheep," and while it didn't get the publicity this new one, "still life," will get, I think it is just as good and worth purchasing.
For starters, I want to send you HERE In this part of my website, you can listen to excerpts from my books. Also, you can find links to Amazon, PANK, and Bookshop to order.
But maybe you want a copy or copies from me with my pretty cursive signature and some personalization. No worries. We can do that.
Simply go HERE for pricing information, then HERE and send me an email with your desired order. I'll let you know if I have copies on hand then send you my PayPal or Venmo info for payment.
That's it! Just send me a message with your order and address and I'll respond with a PayPal link and a "Hey, thanks for ordering!" In the meantime, thanks for, at very least, visiting my blog. Love all of you much.
Kimberly Ann Priest